judicial adj. 1.司法的,审判上的。 2.审判员的;法官的;法院的;法院判决的[规定的]。 3.法官似的,符合法官身分的。 4.考虑周到的;慎重的;公平的,公正的。 5.【宗教】上帝审判的。 judicial affairs 司法。 a judicial assembly 审判大会。 the judicial bench 〔集合词〕法官。 judicial circles = the judicial world 司法界。 the judicial departments 司法部门。 the J- Department (Office) 司法部。 judicial gravity 像审判员那样严肃。 a judicial pestilence 天降瘟疫。 a biography judicial in purpose 一本批判性的传记。 a man with a judicial mind 内心公正的人。 judicial functions 司法职能。 adv. -ly
accounting n. 1.会计;会计学。 2.账;记账;清算账目。 business accounting at different levels 分级核算。 There's no accounting for tastes.〔口语〕人各有所好。
On issues produced in the teaching of judicial accounting 司法会计教学中存在问题刍议
Current status and progress of judicial accounting in china 我国司法会计的现状与发展
The application of judicial accounting in criminal proceedings 浅谈司法会计在刑事诉讼中的运用
Countermeasures to problems in identification of judicial accounting 试述司法会计鉴定文书的规范
The system of identification of judicial accounting needs standardizing 对司法会计鉴定若干认识的理性思考
On venture and prevention of judicial accounting identification for economic complication 论经济纠纷司法会计鉴定的风险及防范
Therefore , how to solve the problems and perfect the judicial accounting identification system have aroused great concern of accounting professionals 如何完善司法会计鉴定制度是一个值得探讨的课题。
For many years , many problems exist with the identification of judicial accounting system which greatly influenced its rationality , objectivity , and the fairness of judicatory 摘要多年来,司法会计鉴定制度存在许多问题,严重影响了司法会计鉴定的科学性、客观性和司法公正性。
Judicial accounting appraisal is different from auditing , the cpa should grasp their differences when engaged in judicial accounting appraisal to prevent the appraisal risk 摘要司法会计鉴定与审计不同,会计师事务所在从事司法会计鉴定业务时应掌握两者之间的区别,防止产生鉴定风险。
Based on the existing disadvantages of chinese judicial accounting identification system , the authors give some propositions concerning chinese judicial accounting identification system 文章立足于中国现行司法会计鉴定制度存在的弊端,提出了建立适合中国国情的司法会计鉴定制度的构想。